Rockbridge is a great place to be on July Fourth. The celebration actually gets going the evening before with the Freedom Food Festival (see separate article,) Lexington’s Kids Bike Parade on the morning of July 4, the concert and dance at Glen Maury Park followed by fireworks.
Lexington’s Children’s Bike Parade is a different kind of patriotic parade. Kids 12 and under decorate their bikes and tricycles - even babies in strollers get decorated. The decorating begins at 10 am and steps off at 11, and goes north on Main Street from The Hub, by Oak Grove Cemetery. Refreshment are available at the terminus of the parade.
In the evening of Buena Vista’s Glen Maury Park is the site of the annual Fourth of July Concert and Dance, bringing a great dance band under the pavilion for a night of music and dancing. Food and beverages are available.
Finally, at 9:30, the Fourth wraps up with a great fireworks show at Glen Maury Park.